
CoACH Fellows

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 1
Pablo Lopez ISCOA 

Politecnico di Torino (POLITO)
Department of Applied Science and Technology
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino, Italy

Tel.: +39 011 090 4707
Fax.: +39 011 090 4624
E-mail: pablo.lopeziscoa@polito.it

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 2
Cristian  Marro BELLOT_150x150
Cristian Marro BELLOT 

Politecnico di Torino (POLITO)
Department of Applied Science and Technology
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino, Italy

Tel.: +39 011 090 4706
Fax.: +39 011 090 4624
E-mail: cristian.marrobellot@polito.it

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 3
Hassan JAVED  

Politecnico di Torino (POLITO)
Department of Applied Science and Technology
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
10129 Torino, Italy

Tel.: +39 011 090 4756
Fax.: +39 011 090 4624
E-mail: hassan.javed@polito.it

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 4
Francesca Elisa Ciraldo_150x150
Francesca Elisa CIRALDO 

Institute of Biomaterials (ERLANGEN)
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg-Cauerstr. 6
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Tel.: +49 9131 85-64065
Fax.: +49 9131 85-28602
E-mail: francesca.elisa.ciraldo@fau.de

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 5
Nicoletta TONIOLO 

Institute of Biomaterials (ERLANGEN)
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg-Cauerstr. 6
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Tel.: +49 9131 85-20807
Fax.: +49 9131 85-28602
E-mail: nicoletta.t.toniolo@fau.de

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 6
Bhuvanesh SRINIVASAN 150x150

Université de Rennes 1 (UR1)
Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes – UMR 6226
Verres et Céramiques group (V & C)
Building 10A, Room 254/2
263 Avenue du General Leclerc
35042 Rennes, France

Tel.: +33 223 236 573
Fax.: +33 223 235 611
E-mail: bhuvanesh.srinivasan@univ-rennes1.fr
Webpage: www.scienceschimiques.univ-rennes1.fr/equipes/verres-et-ceramiques/

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 7
Acacio Rincon ROMERO 

University of Padova (UNIPD)
Department of Industrial Engineering
Via Marzolo, 9 – 35131 Padova, Italy

Tel.: +39 049 8275510
Fax.: +39 049 8275505
E-mail: acacio.rincon@dii.unipd.it
E-mail: acacio.rinconromero@unipd.it
Webpage: www.dii.unipd.it

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 8
Alessia MASINI 

Institute of Physics of Materials (IPM)
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Zizkova 22
61662 Brno, Czech Republic 

Tel.: +420 532 290 336
E-mail: masini@ipm.cz
Webpage: www.ipm.cz

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 9
Gianmarco TAVERI 

Institute of Physics of Materials (IPM)
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Zizkova 22
61662 Brno, Czech Republic 

Tel.: +420 532 290 336
E-mail: taveri@ipm.cz
Webpage: www.ipm.cz

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 10
Silviu  IVAN_150x150
Silviu IVAN 

Element Materials Technology (ELEMENT)
Wilbury Way
SG4 0TW,
United Kingdom 

Tel.: +44 (0)1462 427 850
Fax.: +44 (0)1462 427 850
E-mail: silviu.ivan@element.com

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 11
Matteo  CAVASIN_150x150

Element Materials Technology (ELEMENT)
Wilbury Way
SG4 0TW,
United Kingdom 

Tel.: +44 (0)1462 427 850
Fax.: +44 (0)1462 427 850
E-mail: matteo.cavasin@element.com

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 12
Rocío Tejido RASTRILLA

Ce.Ri.Col – Centro di Ricerca Avanzata Colorobbia Consulting (COLOR)
Via Pietramarina, 123 – 50053 SOVIGLIANA, Vinci (FI), Italy 

Tel.: +49 0571 709 716
E-mail: tejidor@colorobbia.it
E-mail: tejidorocio@gmail.com
Webpage: http://www.cericol.it

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 13
Francesco GUCCI 

Nanoforce Technology Ltd. (NANOFORCE)
Joseph Priestley Building,
Queen Mary, University of London,
Mile End Road,
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom 

Tel.: +44 2078 822 773
E-mail: f.f.gucci@qmul.ac.uk
Webpage: http://www.nanoforce.co.uk

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 14
Min_Yu -150x150
Min YU 

Nanoforce Technology Ltd. (NANOFORCE)
Joseph Priestley Building,
Queen Mary, University of London,
Mile End Road,
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom 

Tel.: +44 2078 822 773
E-mail: min.yu@qmul.ac.uk
Webpage: http://www.nanoforce.co.uk

Early Stage Researcher – ESR 15
Katarzyna PLACHA_150x150
Katarzyna PLACHA 

European Thermodynamics (ETL)
8 Priory Business Park, Wistow,
Leicester LE8 0RX,
United Kingdom 

Tel.: + 44 116 279 6899
E-mail: katarzyna@etdyn.com